
Your Options Defined

Review the information below to help determine the best billing option for your company. Billing options can be combined.

Consolidated billing:

  • Each employee is issued a card with their name and the business name
  • A statement with a summary of all card transactions is generated (You may request statements for individual cards)
  • Payments are made at the control account level
  • Employee cards linked by the control account
  • Card limits are flexible. Total combined spend on all cards can’t exceed the control account limit (All cards combined, individual and control accounts, can’t exceed the company limit)
Consolidated billing map

Individual billing:

  • Each employee is issued a card with their name and the business name
  • A statement is generated for each card
  • Payment is required on each card
  • Spending limit is controlled at the individual card level
  • Total individual combined card limits can’t exceed the company limit
Individual billing map


Lost or Stolen Card?

Contact Customer Service:
800.259.0112 (available 24/7)
800.843.1552 (Mon-Fri: 7:30 AM – 6 PM, Sat: 8 AM – Noon CST)