
More control over your debit card!

Set spending limits and receive an alert for and/or automatically block:
  • International transactions
  • Merchant types: Entertainment, Grocery, Gas, Age Restricted, etc.
  • Transaction types: ATM, eCommerce (online), Store, Recurring, etc.
  • Spending limits: set per transaction or monthly limit
This feature is an option in the Card Management tool in Digital Banking.
Important note: If you have a card that you locked in Digital Banking prior to September 10, you will need to call 800.843.1552 for assistance to unlock the card. This only applies to the first time unlocking the card after September 10.

Set Up & Modify Debit Card Alerts and Protections

  1. Open the Digital Banking app.

  2. Select the account for which you want to manage your card.

  3. Select the card under Card management. 
  4. Select Alerts and Protections.
You can also add the “Card management” tile to your dashboard by scrolling to the bottom of the dashboard and clicking Organize dashboard.