The State of South Dakota has made additional grant money available to small businesses through the Coronavirus Relief Fund. Though First Bank & Trust can't walk beside you through this process as we did with PPP, we want to be your resource for the information. Our goal is to ensure your business continues to weather this storm, and these funds could be invaluable toward that goal.

See the FAQs below for eligibility details for the additional grant money. If you believe your business may qualify, you will apply directly through the State of South Dakota at
Round 2 applications will be accepted December 14 - 20, 2020. 

Please note, the information from the state is changing frequently and we will do our best to keep the FAQ page current with the most up-to-date information.

  • Be located in South Dakota
  • Have had a reduction in business of at least 15%
  • Not have gross revenues exceeding $38.5 million
  • Certify to a going-concern statement
  • Grants up to $500,000 per qualifying business are available.
  • Grant amounts calculated at less than $500 may not be awarded.
  • "2019 cash flow from operations" is 2019 income (March through August)
    less 2019 cash expenses (March through August, excluding depreciation,
    amortization, and noncash expenses) less term debt principal payments
    (March through August).
  • "2020 cash flow from operations" is 2020 income (March through August)
    less 2020 cash expenses (March through August, excluding depreciation,
    amortization, and noncash expenses) less term debt principal payments
    (March through August).
  • "Federal aid" is any Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) funds or other
    federal COVID grant funding received by the business in 2020.
  • "Reduction in business" is 2020 cash flow from operations less 2019 cash
    flow from operations plus federal aid.
Once all applications are received, grant awards shall be based on a pro-rata share
of available funds.
Under current federal law, all funds must be expended by December 30, 2020.
Yes, the qualifications listed above are the same for non-profits. 
  • Be located in South Dakota.
  • Have registered with the secretary of state or the Department of Revenue
    between September 1, 2019, and June 1, 2020.
  • Be open and operating on date of application.
  • Demonstrate average monthly income during the period between March 1,
    2020, and August 31, 2020, was less than 120% of average monthly
    income prior to March 1, 2020; or that the business operated at a net loss
    (cash basis) in at least three of the six months between March 1, 2020, and
    August 31, 2020.
  • Provide a certification that the business is a going concern.

Round 1 applicants must apply for Round 2 using the same user account
used for their Round 1 applications. Approved Round 1 applicants only need to
provide financial data and self-certifications.